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Sis Shantel DOTMHGOI

Why we are abused as women.. SIS PLEASE READ

Updated: May 30, 2022

Hello Hello Sis! Welcome back to my blog. I want to speak a little bit about abuse but from a different angle. The word abuse simply means the improper use of something. I was thinking one day about how many women are abused. I started to wonder how the enemy has been so successful in achieving this and he has been doing so for generations. Some women have witnessed their mothers and grandmothers being abused as children and sadly it was normalized in some instances. I began to really think about this for a moment. If we are being improperly used, then what truly is the proper use of a woman as we are wives, mothers, and daughters?

I was lead to learn more about this from the very first woman and mother to us all, Eve. In reading Genesis chapters 1-2 I begin to learn a bit more about the roles or purposes of a woman. I learned in Genesis 1:26-28 that God made both male and female in his likeness and they were to have dominion (sovereignty or control) over the animals and the earth, be fruitful, fill the earth, and subdue it. In Genesis 2:18-25 I read that God himself said that it wasn't good for man to be alone and that he needed a helper comparable or suitable for him. The scripture goes on to note that the woman was made from the man's rib and that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh. The love that a husband is to have for his wife is referenced in Ephesians 5:25-33. It speaks about the husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself ( gave his life on the cross) for her.

As I read these scriptures I see a relationship, friendship, partnership, and a really deep rooted bond embodied by intimacy and love on several levels. I gather that the woman was created for companionship, to help, to be fruitful and multiply, and to rule alongside the man she was created for. I always self reflect and learn from my past distorted perspectives and poor choices in comparison with God's word. Things shifted when I began to unlearn the beliefs taught to me by my past sinful lifestyles, this world and it customs, and life traumas and pain. When I begin to learn the Kingdom of God principles and ways of living then I started to awaken. I started to learn about the reasons why God set forth certain laws or commands. We are taught that following the bible is boring or rigid. I have often heard God being referenced as harsh or a buzz kill who won't allow you to " have fun".

These were all lies as life has taught me. God knows the ways in which he created us and desires for us to function or operate. When we go outside of his parameters of protection, then we become susceptible to unbearable pain that found its entry point through pleasures, customs, and ideologies. We find ourselves in predicaments based on poisoned mindsets and beliefs that have cultivated a space for these things to manifest. I learned that I had subjected myself to far less than I was created for in terms of my purpose for being in a relationship in the first place. I didn't know who I was in Christ and most certainly had no idea as to how I was to operate or assist in a relationship. This relationship was to be obtained through marriage not living in sin and fornication as I had been doing.

I saw that everything done outside of God's will is going to produce only negative outcomes for me. It was as clear as day. Everything that I had done away from knowledge, revelation, and relationship with my Heavenly Father only ABUSED me. I was looking for love for so long and the enemy kept telling me that love is a relationship. The bible tells me that God is Love. (1 John 4:16) I must add that this relationship had broken me down so severely that I found myself crying and asking God to please come and help me. I had no one to turn to for help. My parents weren't there, no friends, no family at all! This entire time I had been doing life and relationships my own way and it produced a mental, spiritual, psychological, and physical breakdown Sis! I couldn't continue the way that I had been.

As I continue in my relationship with my loving and caring Abba he continues to teach me all that I had never known about myself throughout the pages of the bible and our times together in prayer. He always speaks to my heart and spirit and directs me in all that I need to do, his advice is spiritual and He guides me in all the ways that I was lost. I was abused because I didn't know that I was a DOTMHGOI ( Daughter of the Most High God of Israel). I wasn't aware of the Kingdom purpose for marriage and the proper ways in which it should be obtained or a woman pursued. I needed to learn about the attributes of a virtuous woman and wife. There are things that God placed into us as women that are exploited when you are still in a lost or "spiritually unconscious" state. Your GOD GIVEN desire to help, be a companion, be fruitful, and have dominion is grossly manipulated when in the hands of a narcissist and most importantly when you don't have a relationship with your Heavenly Father who loves you and wants to guide, protect, and advise you.

So Sis... I will leave you with this. I allowed abuse (improper use of MYSELF) because I was taught to accept abuse and normalize trauma. I also accepted abuse because I didn't know who I was , to whom I truly belonged to, or my real functioning purposes as a woman in a relationship ( which is to be within a Kingdom of God marriage covenant as a helper, companion, ruler, and deeply intimate partnership! Surrounded by protective, heartfelt, and compassionate LOVE! ). I was operating in this life based on lies, needs, traumas, and a deep desire to escape the pain of it all. I am still learning Sis and intend to learn more each day of my life. I am thankful that I am now aware of how a woman is supposed to be treated when in a marriage and the ways in which she is to function, operate, contribute, and be loved. I can see that I was doing things completely wrong and it's not a wonder why I encountered the mistreatment that I did. I am so happy to have my true identity, worth, and value restored to me. I am living my life for the first time as my Father has advised and I stand to reap the blessings from it. I encourage you to do the same Sis. Invite Christ back into your heart today and I promise that you will not regret the love and healing awaiting you.

Please utilize the contact form on my blog website to send me personal prayer request, advice about your situation, and personal questions I will respond as time permits.Sis as I am a prayer warrior/intercessor for Christ I love you sis and be blessed!

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