Hey Siss!! I want you to know that I love you and that you are indeed a timeless jewel in the eyes of our Abba. In my previous blog I shared that our Heavenly Father, The King, "catches every single one of our tears in his bottle and he records them in his book."(Psalms 56:8) He will most certainly avenge us of every single enemy and the pain that they cause his precious daughters. The hardest part about all of this.. is NOT KNOWING all of this! It is so vital that we spend time in the word of God because it is truly our " Life Manual". God is so thoughtful, caring, and compassionate because he knew that we would need help navigating this life. The enemy and his demons that have been residing in this realm amongst us have a somewhat unfair advantage to a certain degree in regards to actually knowing ALL about God and his purposes since the beginning of time. They use all the "spiritual knowledge" that they have been privy to.. in evil distorted ways in their relentless attempts to enslave us spiritually with the goal of causing us to forfeit the precious inheritances that Our Father has for each and every one of us when we choose to love, honor, and obey Him as the true King of Kings that He is.
As I continue in my journey of spiritual healing and wellness I am learning that there is definitely a "detox process" involved in being restored. The definition of detox means to abstain from or rid the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. We all agree that the effects of being in an abusive relationship definitely takes a toll on your mind, body, soul, and spirit. You must also consider the length of time that you were an unknowingly willing participant in your own demise within this relationship as well. Please be sure to also include all of your pain, traumas, negative "self-talk", disconnection from God, and just living life in a sinful state in and of itself. All of these things are all molded together and must be SPIRITUALLY DETOXED Sis! Did you know that research has linked crying to the release of endorphins which makes us feel better. Emotional tears also contain stress hormones and toxins. Crying is a good way to detox from all the things burdening your entire being!
I would cry out and express every single thing that was hurting me. I would pray these intense emotional prayers and I held absolutely nothing back. In my prayer closet I would cry out to Him hysterically telling my Abba all about how I felt and that I trusted Him when he says to " Cast your burden on the Lord, AND He shall sustain you."( Psalms 55:22) As I begin to spend more time within the pages of the Holy Bible my trust and full dependence on His promises strengthened. I was alone. The enemy had his hand in all other relationships and I was completely isolated with this Narcissistic person. God was all that I had! I begin to understand that HE WAS IN FACT ALL THAT I NEEDED!
I begin to notice something the very next day after a night of weeping before the Lord. I would awaken and this feeling would take over my entire body. I was still waking up next to this demonic abuser. The day still progressed with the usual bouts of abuse and manipulation, but I begin to be filled with something. I would be greeted by none other than JOY Sis! The bible says in Psalms 30:5 that "Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning." I am here to tell you that GOD is most certainly real! How else could you explain feeling joy in your heart while still being abused just the same as before. My Father begin to fill me with his Holy Spirit and my relationship with Him began to expand. I fell so deeply in love with Him because nothing in this life has EVER really comforted me in the ways that His love began to. I found peace, strength, courage, and power within each page that I read in my Bible. Every night I vowed to end my day by at least reading one chapter starting from the first book, Genesis. I stuck with this vow until I completed the entire Bible Sis!
I began to incorporate fasting as I was determined to weaken my flesh which assisted Satan in enslaving me and instead I allowed my "inner spirit man" to be developed and strengthened. The Narcissistic demon aims to corrupt your mind, body, soul, and SPIRIT. God was restoring, healing, renewing, and resurrecting me right there in the midst of my enemy! The fear that this man had embedded deep within me and the traumas he agitated begin to dwindle tremendously. These people are centered on control and once the spirit within them begins to sense that you are no longer under their demonic submission, it causes them to "panic" so to speak and they begin to intensify the manipulation. I would read tons of articles online , within forums, and books pertaining to Narcissistic Abuse and I became so familiar with their techniques. God was revealing to me precisely how the enemy had me enslaved in these types of relationships my entire life ( romantic, family, and work place Narcissists). The chains were starting to break and He was healing me from not only the spiritual wounds caused from this relationship, but the previous relationships as well! All of this CHAIN BREAKING was adding to the joy that I would feel each day despite my current situation. I begin to believe deep within my heart that God was going to make a way for my daughter and I to escape regardless of being out of work ( Narcissistic abuse in the workplace), no money, or a vehicle (manipulated into giving my vehicle to him to trade in a new truck for himself). He always makes a way out of NO WAY.. I actually believe He enjoys doing this for His children because this is a dimension of walking by "Faith and not by sight". (2 Corinthians 5:7)
EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL SIS! This entire earth realm that we are living in is a by-product of the spirit realm in which we can not perceive with the natural naked eye. As you progress in your intimate relationship with Your Heavenly Father ( something Satan has gone incredible lengths to ensure that you NEVER DESIRE OR INQUIRE ABOUT so that he can continue to enslave you Sis..) then God will awaken your spiritual senses and you will be able to clearly see how the enemy is attacking you. You will not willingly agree to give of yourself to someone whose sole purpose is to see you destroyed! Remember that the enemy "comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (JESUS) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."( John 10:10 NIV) Sis the moment that you begin to take an interest in your royal lineage as a Daughter of The Most High God, that is when you will be able to experience LIFE through Christ and no longer live in demonic bondage!
So please remember that "weeping may endure for the night, but JOY comes in the morning." TAKE BACK ALL THAT THE ENEMY HAS STOLEN FROM YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! I am not only free from an abusive relationship Sis, but free from the bondage of the abusive and traumatic childhood and the negative narratives that continually played in my mind my entire life. I am walking in the authority given to me by our Heavenly Father and I will continue to return to "Spiritual Egypt" and release the rest of the Daughters of God who are still held in "Spiritual Slavery". As Moses told Pharaoh "Let my People Go!", I am telling Satan " LET MY SISTERS GO IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!"
Be Blessed
Be Intentional
Be Unmoved
This is where I am, waking up in joy, breaking chains, renouncing sin, repenting, closing and sealing all gates with the Holy Spirit and heading into the promised land as He prepares a table before me.