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To Forgive OR Not to Forgive...

Sis Shantel DOTMHGOI

Hey Sis! Welcome back to my deliverance blog. My prayer is that with each blog entry that you read, it leads you closer to developing a relationship with our Heavenly Father, The King. I also deeply desire that it inspires you to move in the direction of healing. Today I am speaking about forgiveness. I know it is hard for some women to wrap their minds around forgiving someone who abused them. There are some women who will refuse to forgive those who abused them. I know that we have all heard that the forgiving is for you and not the other person. Sis..I know this too may have been a little challenging to process. I pray that upon completing this blog entry that things become clearer for you.

I want to start by saying that after God spoke to me on July 28, 2020 about leaving my narcissistic fiance that I wrote him a letter. I remember this day so vividly. I spoke a great deal about it in my previous blog entry entitled " The Day That God Delivered Me From The Narcissist." I grabbed a few sheets of copy paper and I begin to write him a letter. In this letter I began to explain that I could no longer stay in this relationship as God himself told me to leave. I explained to him that I was aware of the demonic Jezebel spirit within him and that I sincerely prayed that he would seriously give his life to God so that he could be healed of the underlying issues that invited that type of demonic spirit. I told him that I forgave him for all the hurt, pain, abuse, and turmoil that he caused in the life of my daughter and I. This letter was a few pages long ( I did write rather largely).

The bible has so many scriptures on the topic of forgiveness. Mark 11:25 and Matthew 6:15 are two scriptures that I speak about. In Mark 11:25 it says " and whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." This simply means that we need to forgive others if we want God to forgive us. Matthew 6:15 says " But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." I knew that I wanted nothing to come in between my Heavenly Father forgiving me of my past sins and any future sins that I may fall into. I forgave him because that is the will of God for us to walk in forgiveness and it is a sin to be unforgiving. Remember that Jesus also died for us all so that our sins could be forgiven by God. I wanted nothing to interfere with my newfound relationship with my Heavenly Father. It was the first time that I had encountered real love, peace, and security.

When you forgive not only are you being obedient to God , but you are releasing all of the pain, hurt, damage, and memories that this person caused in your soul. Just think about it Sis, if you are holding on to and reliving all the painful experiences that this person brought into your life, who is it affecting daily? Who is plagued in their minds and feeling as if they can't move forward in life? Who is having nightmares or feeling as if no one will ever love them or feeling unworthy? It most certainly isn't the narcissist! You are the one going through such a miserable existence because you haven't forgiven them and given your pain to God so that he can heal you. Unforgiveness is a form of bondage as well. It keeps you in circular thoughts that yield belief systems that slowly destroy you.

I actually forgave this person months before my actual physical departure. I just felt compelled to write this letter to let him know that despite all that he did to me, I forgive him and I was moving forward to enjoy the abundant life that Jesus died for me to live. I felt such a sense of power and freedom while leaving that letter because I left that dungeon with a Royal exit! I refused to be bitter, spiteful, or hateful. I was learning more about my Kingdom DNA (the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23) and I wanted to display those attributes at all times. That night at the Women's Recovery Home I had the best nights rest ever! I had so much peace. My life was starting over again I looked forward to all that God had in store for me. I encourage you to forgive those who have hurt or abused you and give the pain to God so he can heal you Sis!

Please utilize the contact form on my blog website to send me personal prayer request, advice about your situation, and personal questions I will respond as time permits.Sis as I am a prayer warrior/intercessor for Christ I love you sis and be blessed!


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