Hey Sis Hey Sis! How are you today? I pray that you are well and drawing the strength that you need to move forward in whatever part of your journey that you are in. It gets better Sis. I think what has been a little nerve wrecking is the unlearning process! In order to truly move forward and allow God to heal your soul and body it is necessary. I experienced a shift when I realized that I had been living a lie. I'm not even speaking about this relationship.. I am speaking my whole entire life. I saw that those lies really caused me to allow them to navigate my life. I gave myself some grace because the measures that Satan took to lie to me and convince me of the lie were in fact supernatural. I didn't have a chance back then because I was not spiritually awakened. I operated only in the natural realm and he attacked me ruthlessly this way.
In order for a lie to be effective, it has to be well received and believed. Deception is rooted in lies. The problem with the enemy is that he is also a spirit. He has the ability to orchestrate things in your life to cause you to believe the lie. I will share an example of how Satan manifests within people to cause you to believe the lie that he is telling you. Remember when you come into agreement with anything, then you have made a covenant with it. This means that it has the legal right to carry out whatsoever it desires. When you begin to read your Holy Bible you will learn that it is filled with covenants. These covenants are legally binding or legally broken. You will soon come to learn that the very world that we live in is based on spiritual laws and covenants.
Satan will often use sexual abuse to lie to the hidden Royal Daughters of God. Sexual abuse in and of itself is detrimental and very deeply traumatizing. The lies often associated with this type of assault is that you are unworthy, filthy, lowly, unloveable, and a sense brokenness. This type of abuse is oftentimes administered by someone who is supposed to protect, love, and cherish you. This can be parents, family members, close family friends, or even a leader in your community. The mere fact that the person abusing you is supposed to protect you caused you to naturally feel unprotected and desperate to obtain safety or security in your life. Satan will also utilize your social environments such as school, work, or peer groups to reject, insult, alienate, bully, or demean you in ways that cause those other feelings from the abuse to be reinforced.
When you take a look at this spiritually you can access that Satan attacked you by this use of people in order to plant lies and reinforce those lies so that you believe everything that you see. You believe the lies or thoughts projected into your mind due to the abuse, traumatic experience, and the manner in which others treat you. This is a prime example of how Satan attacks without being seen. He does it through people and understanding the complex way in which God created us to respond to stimuli. He is attacking you in such a demented perverse way, but he needs you to believe the lie so that you can receive from the lie. So many women are tormented from the things that they endured in their childhoods. It may have been verbal , physical, emotional, psychological, or mental abuse. It all has its purpose. The purpose is to disrupt , corrupt, poison, attack, demean, and wound you.
We naturally seek an escape from it all and that is when the narcissist is released. Satan has us all on his system on continual "spiritual attacks" until we awaken spiritually and come out the agreement or covenant with the lies that Satan presented you with along with his reinforcements. We are all yearning for love, security, peace, comfort, inclusion, and a sense of belonging. The narcissist manipulates these desires or needs by pretending to offer all of these things to you. I spoke on my Youtube channel regarding the revelation that God gave me about childhood abuse. He revealed that same type of evil spirit that was in the people Satan used to abuse you in your childhood, is the same type of spirit that is in the person that is abusing you in this relationship. The only difference is that when you were child you had no way of protecting yourself and unfortunately were forced into things you couldn't control. Today you are an adult woman who is willingly allowing herself to be abused because of the mental chains in your mind. You are still believing the lies of the enemy.
I invite you today to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins as He is the " way, truth, and the life."( John 14:6) When you do this you will begin to receive all the love that you have been denied from those that you sought it from. He will restore you completely and reroute you to the amazing life and destiny that He has ordained for you. His daughters are precious to Him and He desires all of them to return back to His Kingdom! Place your crown on your head Sis! Nothing that the enemy did to you could devalue you! Your worth can not be determined by this fallen world. You were created by God and He calls you worthy! Detach from the lie and break the covenant today! Say this out loud " In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke, bind, denounce, and renounce every word curse spoken to me , every sexual soul tie, and every lie projected to me by Satan and I cancel all covenants with the blood of Jesus Christ!"
Sis, please continue to move forward in spending time with God ( your Heavenly Father, The King ). You do this by praying (heart to heart conversations), reading and studying your bible, listening to the word of God being preached ( faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God), and being receptive to what you are learning and applying it. I speak life to you Sis and everything that the enemy intended for your harm, God will use it for your good. This blog and my Women's Restoration Ministry are examples of this. Satan attacked me early in my childhood and I have had a life full of pain, misery, and heartache. These things are true, however, God used it all for me to turn around and help other women awaken to the lies and come home and reconnect to real love and place their crowns on! Women are realizing that they have been hidden daughters of God this entire time and they are leaving abusive relationships and God is healing and redirecting their lives. I pray today Sis that you are one of them. Be blessed Sis.
Please utilize the contact form on my blog website to send me personal prayer request, advice about your situation, and personal questions I will respond as time permits.Sis as I am a prayer warrior/intercessor for Christ I love you sis and be blessed!