Hey Sis! Today I want to enlighten you regarding one of those things we have often frowned upon. I'm talking about talking to yourself! Wait a minute now.. don't let me lose you so soon. Just give me a moment to explain. See, the fact of the matter is that we talk to ourselves already. Yes.. you read that correctly Sis. You already talk to yourself on a daily basis. Most of what we say to ourselves truly damages us and keeps us in situations and environments that do not serve us. I'll explain it a little further.
One of the main reasons that I found myself in narcissistic relationships was because of the lies or false narratives that I rehearsed in my mind that I held as truths! I would always tell myself ( not verbally, but in the form of thoughts) that I wasn't pretty enough and therefore being treated well wasn't truly attainable. I needed to just take what was available and try to make the best of that. I told myself that because I had never experienced a life beyond a certain level, then certain experiences weren't obtainable either. I was always abandoned or rejected in some form or another throughout my life and that caused a deep desperation for a relationship and for someone to stay.
I can remember being so miserable in that relationship and actually voicing several times that I think we needed to part ways. It seemed as if instantly I was bombarded with thoughts of being alone and actually reminded of all the times in my life when I was left alone and how painful it was. This would cause me to stay and not leave the relationship. If you leave then you will be all alone. No one wants to love you or stay with you is what everyone will say and you know that its the truth. I would then say to myself, I need to make this work. I don't want to be by myself and be reminded that I am undesirable, unwanted, unpretty etc. See Sis, we talk to ourselves all the time. The problem is that they are negative thoughts that encourage us to believe lies about ourselves. This gives space for the abuse to thrive because deep down you believe that you are unworthy and that this is the best that there is for you.
I had to learn that the way people and family treated me is not a reflection of myself. It took time to unpack the facts that the things that aided and assisted in this poor narrative that I spoke to myself and manifested in my life were all attacks from the Enemy, Satan! A relationship with God has caused me to have "Holy Introspection" and it has caused me to see things from His perspective and it has changed my life Sis! I was able to dismantle all of the lies that I rehearsed for years simply when He revealed that Satan was operating through those people and family members so that the things they imparted will stick and cause me to break and seek solutions where the problems actually reside. It became easier to forgive them all when I saw things from his vantage point.
I was then lead by Him to learn the truth about myself after denouncing, rebuking, and binding all word curses spoken to me from people and all soul-ties in the forms of sexual relationships and friendships. I googled scriptures regarding God's love for me, His promises to me, what He says about me, and so many more! I began to study, write, and read about how God sees me. I began to TALK TO MYSELF out loud Sis!! I would get dressed or clean and begin to say what my Heavenly Father says about me. I would find myself driving to the grocery store and out of the clear blue I would start talking to myself and stating what the bible says! I do this in some form every day. I am always unlearning lies that I used to believe and tell myself and replacing it with the truth of what God says! Sometimes those lies try to resurface in the form of a thought or a memory, but that is why you need the word of God to combat that thought in Jesus name and it goes away!
SO SISS!!! I encourage you to begin to talk to yourself as well. Just think about it, we heard the lies for so long and it caused us to come into agreement with it and actually live a lie! Lies have kept so many of us in places and spaces far beneath us. Unlearn the lie and and start to speak the truth Sis. It’s all waiting for you within the pages of The Holy Bible!
Please utilize the contact form on my blog website to send me personal prayer request, advice about your situation, and personal questions I will respond as time permits.Sis as I am a prayer warrior/intercessor for Christ I love you sis and be blessed!