Hey Sis! I want to take the time to thank you for spending a part of your day to visit my blog and I pray that every word encourages you to place your crown back on your head as you are Royalty! I wanted to talk about identity theft in this blog. I am certain just about all of us have had an encounter with identity theft at some point in our lives. It seems as if hackers and scammers are always coming up with innovative ways to steal your most protected information. It is always a relief when you can actually prove that you are who you say that you are and that you didn't make the fraudulent charges presented on your bank statements. You are often asked to provide the investigators with proof of your identity in varied forms. This assists with resolving the conflict and your accounts being protected and reimbursed.
Your lack of knowing your identity in an abusive relationship is vital. The narcissist needs you to continue to operate from this lack in order to successfully abuse you with false promises of love. I was plagued with suffering from an identity crisis all of my life before giving my life to Christ. As a little girl my Father wasn't in my life at all. My mother and I didn't have a relationship due to her struggles from her childhood and not really having a guide as to how to mother. There was always a struggle between she and I that caused me to feel unloved by her. I was also very different from my peers and siblings and often felt like an outcast. I remember always feeling unsafe, unloved, and unwanted as a child/adolescent. I begin to view myself as unworthy, inadequate, and unpretty.
As I began to approach my pre-teen/ teen years I started to adopt the personalities of my peer group. I felt that in order to be accepted and included that I needed to change myself and be like everyone else. I lost my true self and began to be conformed by this world. I was so desperate for love, inclusion, and acceptance that I found myself in a life long cycle of sin,abuse, and poor choices. I had endured various levels of abuse in forms of observing violence, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse. I wanted so desperately to escape the residue that those things afforded me throughout my life.
When I began to date as a young adult I had no idea that I was suffering from an identity crisis and much like in my childhood I was seeking for a man or a relationship to give me an identity and value. I really believed that this man choosing to want to be with me would cause all of the pain, brokenness, and voids to heal and I would become this "perfect woman" with all her problems solved. I want you to know Sis that anything that you place as your "Source" becomes like a god to you. You find yourself idolizing this man and you're not even aware of it. Abusive men manipulate your need for love, acceptance, warmth, security, comfort, and safety. They are aware that you are still a victim of "Spiritual Identity Theft".
The facts are that when Satan was able to convince Eve to eat of the forbidden tree that God asked them not to eat of, it caused a spiritual separation. We were made in Gods image (Genesis 1:27). This means that we have our identity in HIm as He is our Heavenly Father. So naturally being that we are all women and He is our Father, this would logically make us all His Royal Daughters. This is the reason why I identify myself as DOTMHGOI (Daughter of the Most High God of Israel). He gave me this title as I began to study, learn, pray, and develop in my relationship with Him. He just released to my spirit, "Shantel DOTMHGOI", and I fell in love! He restored to me my true identity.
I tried to fit in with people, places, and things that in time I learned never served me. Those things helped to deplete, erode, and destroy who I really was. This was done in hopes that I would never come to an awareness of who I was in Christ. The longer I allowed myself to be conformed by this world, this world continued to enslave me. I was so lost and desperate to have a community, love, and acceptance that I yielded to things far beneath me. This broken state is precisely what a narcissist needs to continue in the never-ending abuse cycles that impact your soul (mind, will, emotions). Similarly to providing the necessary documents for the fraud investigation for proof that you are who you say that you are, we need to utilize Gods word the bible to uncover our identities as well.
When you know who you are then you will be able to bypass certain temptations. A narcissist can only be successful when you do not know that you are a daughter of God and that He is the LOVE that you are searching for. You will never find that type of love in the arms of a abusive man doing his best to provide you with imitations of love so that you will continue to stay and allow his abuse. We learn in Matthew 4:1-11 that Jesus was tempted by Satan. I want to focus on verses 3-4. It says " The tempter came to him and said. "if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "it is written: ' Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'(NIV)
We see here that Jesus total ignores the enemy's attempt to prove his identity as the Son of God turning the bread into stone. He simply responds with a scripture from the bible. He never even acknowledges what the enemy presented him regarding his identity because HE KNEW WHO HE WAS! We need to learn about who we are as well so that we will not find ourselves trying to prove that we are worthy of love, by trying to love someone who pretends to love you yet abuses you. I am not sure why we believe that our loving someone will change them for the better. We are only hurting ourselves when we stay and allow someone to disrespect, abuse, and devalue us while believing that if we just keep trying things will change.Sis.. things didn't change until I believed Jesus Christ was my Savior, began to read my bible, listen to sermons, and spend time having heart to heart conversations (prayer) with Him. Praying is not as difficult as people make it out to be. Lets take this blog for instance. I am writing this on my laptop and uploading it for you to read. I just shared intimate revelations about my life and deliverance process. When I am finished I am sending it off by pressing the "Publish" button. Although I am alone right now, creating this, I KNOW that you will read it, it will touch your heart, and encourage you in some way to develop a relationship with your Heavenly Father. Prayer is similar! When you pray, although you are all in alone in your setting of choice, God hears every word that you speak. Even though you may not hear an audible voice respond back ( although some people have had that experience!), you begin to feel your mind begin to be at ease, your heart begins to be soothed, and sometimes you can feel warmth/tingles/cooling sensations in or on your body. As you move forward you will begin to notice the ways in which God has moved to answer your prayers. So don't hold back anything from Him! We have trusted everyone else and they have brought only pain, sorrow, and tears. Try giving your heart to the one who not only created it, but will never break it. Allow Him to restore your identity.. and never become a victim of "Spiritual Identity Theft" again Sis.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share! I pray that these words spoke to your spirit and causes you to see things differently. The moment your perspective shifts, your world will change! If you haven’t accepted Jesus back into your heart, I encourage you to do so today! Believe Jesus is the Son of God, receive the gift he gave with his life to save you from the enemy, and confess/repent of your sins! Choose to no longer worship a man, but worship the Most High God of Israel and He will restore your identity and your heart!
Please utilize the contact form on my blog website to send me personal prayer request, advice about your situation, and personal questions I will respond as time permits.Sis as I am a prayer warrior/intercessor for Christ I love you sis and be blessed!