Hey Siss! I am so excited that you have been lead to visit my Sis Shantel DOTMHGOI Testimony Blog. You know the scriptures says " they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." (Revelation 12:11) I was lead by our Heavenly Father to create this blog to help my fellows sisters understand that they are not alone in these types of abusive relationships. I aim to share all of my experiences and how my complete submission to God began to unravel the chains created by the enemy by use of this relationship.
Let us be completely honest with ourselves for just a minute. This person that we fell so deeply in love with had a very tempting angle that they constantly used. That would be the infamous "HAPPILY EVER AFTER IN LOVE AND MARRIAGE". They utilized our intense desire for: love, marriage, family, support, children, togetherness, and ultimately that sense of security. We hold on because we want the things that we have desired our entire lives that were stripped from us in either childhood or previous relationships. Most of us have dreamed of our wedding day. This entire event can sometimes be viewed as the solutions to all that is hurting within us. Some of us have had our voices, worth, and values violently stolen from us in harmful ways. We desire to be seen, heard, appreciated, loved, and to feel safe. When you are torn from the love of The Father and you have all of these "broken things" lingering in your soul it causes you to seek a solution. Often times the solution we turn to is relationships. I'm here to share with you Sis, when you seek anything else other than God as the source to heal things within you that you are inviting SPIRITUAL TROUBLE. When we look towards this man/relationship to complete, heal, or validate us it is a TERRIBLE INSULT to our Heavenly Father. This spiritual unconsciousness leads to the abuse of a Narcissistic relationship. The longer that you remain in this broken state of lost spiritual identity it continues to foster the environment for this demonically possessed individual to torment you in horrible ways.
It is imperative that you begin to seek God. He will reveal to you that you have been indeed functioning your entire life at a disadvantage. This is because you lack spiritual knowledge and this person has been reaping the benefits of your ignorance regarding this. (NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY) You were already predestined and called Sis. You are of the body of Christ. Those traits of yours that we discussed in a earlier blog post ( kind, gentle, faithful, compassionate, joyous, loving etc.) are all indicators of your spiritual traits inherited from your Heavenly Father. We were all born into this world in sin and DETACHED from knowing our true identities as children of God. Now lets factor in all of the traumas, abuse, childhood neglect, sinfulness, and satanic cultural and societal norms forced upon us. All of these things have led each of us in the pursuit of love, but in all of the wrong ways. We feel that being selected as a BRIDE will automatically fill these emotional, spiritual, and psychological voids. How would you feel if I shared with you that you are ALREADY A BRIDE.. THE BRIDE OF CHRIST!
When you give your life back to God and you allow Him to restore, renew, and transform your mind through His word and His spirit he will AWAKEN you Sis. You see the Body of Christ ( His Church), is comprised of his children, WE ARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST!
You are already a bride Sis! Lets take a look at Revelation 19:7-9 " Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb (JESUS) has come, and his Bride (THE CHURCH/CHILDREN OF GOD) has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and pure - for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are the true words of God." Your Bridesgroom is none other than JESUS CHRIST himself! Do you understand that your Bridesgroom loved you so much that he gave his life in order to save yours? This is REAL LOVE. He loved you so much that he paid the price necessary to redeem you from the enemy and his evil attempts to destroy you indefinitely!
So you see Sis.. we all have been BAMBOOZLED by the enemy! He is so very calculated and demented. He used everything that he knows about us...AGAINST US! He needs you to come into agreement that you are not worth more than what you are receiving in this relationship. He does this by manipulating our painful traumas, disconnect from Our Father, and this deep need for love! He has been successful in sending us the counterfeit relationship that is really enabling him to covertly torment every level of our being. This is deception, manipulation, and pure EVIL! I invite you today sis to reacquaint yourself with the LOVE OF GOD and let him reveal to you that you are already the most BEAUTIFUL BRIDE and no longer offer your beautiful self up to be tormented another day in this life that He sacrificed his "Only Begotten Son"(John 3:16) for you to have. Choose life today Sis. Go back home to the Kingdom of God and place your crown back on your gorgeous head!
**Thank you for visiting my blog today and spending time with me. While writing todays blog I begin to think about how this person dangled my desires ( Future Faking) right in front of me knowing that they really meant the world to me. I didn't realize that marriage was not the solution to my pain. I needed to learn the true definition of love and that it was not found in another person, but that God himself is LOVE. I kept thinking that the family, the wedding, the happily ever after would cure the pain deep inside. Most women think this same way. We are programmed in many ways to believe this. This type of mindset only ushers in abuse. God is our Source of everything we could possibly need. He created us and we can't function properly without his love and walking in the God given assignment that he has ordained. I thank God that he heard my cries all alone in the dark in that bathroom on the floor. I was at my lowest point in life, but also the most defining because I came face to face with real LOVE for the first time in my life Sis. He has lead me to create my Women's Restoration Ministry on Youtube and this Testimony Blog. I have many other talents and gifts that he is going to utilize as well for the work of The Kingdom of God. All of these beautiful gifts/talents were hidden while in this relationship as my life revolved around the Narcissist. I am surely Free.. yes Sis.. FREE INDEED! Please join me today in the Sisterhood of the Daughters of The Most High God of Israel and reclaim all that was stolen from you.